
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Digestive System

1. Ingestion: Taking food into the mouth
2. Secretion: Secrete water, acid buffer, enzyme and juice
3. Swallowing: Allow food to enter digestive tract 
4. Digestion: Mechanically & chemically food breakdown
5. Absorption: Absorb all the nutrient from the food 
6. Defecation: Elimination of feces (stool/ wastes product) from rectum via anus

Digestive System Anatomy:

Digestive System Physiology or Food Digestion:

Enzymes or secretion in the GIT:

Digestion Stages:
a) Mastication: Food is breakdown mechanically (by teeth & tongue) and chemically (by amilase in saliva)    
                       --> BOLUS
b) Swallowing: Bolus is swallowed into esophagus
c) Digestion:
    i) Phase 1: Cephalic Phase: Gaster is stimulated by the smell, hearing, & seeing of the food
    ii) Phase 2: Gastric Phase: Bolus/ Food digestion
    iii) Phase 3: Intestinal Phase: Bolus is turn into CHYME
d) Absorption: All the nutrient & water in the cyhme will be absorbed via small intestine into blood vessels & lymphatic vessels
e) Excretion: Water will be absorbed again in the colon/ large intestine
                    Chyme is turn into solid waste
                    Waste product/ feces will be eliminated from the rectum via anus

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